mismatched photos, randomly posted. really random!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

london roofscapes

more roof-scapes from londons east core. next week i'll go down to street level

Thursday, May 17, 2007

london roofscapes 2

formerly grand buildings still stand in londons east core. now the peaks of some are still beautiful, but age and decay are showing down below. at street level, neglect, age, and lifestyle are all having an effect.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

i find them amazing, they're absolutely huge! they're magnificient when you come into an area dotted by a widfarm. this one is about 30 minutes from home and has about 40 turbines. you don't get a feeling of how large they are until the kids stood at the bottom.

"sunrise". a plastic toy cup one of my kids owns. in the bottom are 3 led lights. cropped but untouched.